
BFBS Show Openers, Closers, Jingles, Bloopers and Trailers

At the link below listen to a compilation of nostaligic BFBS 80s Show Openers, Closers, Jingles, Bloopers, Show Themes, Show Excerpts is available at this first edition of BFBS in the 80s. Enjoy! There is still more to come. Watch out this space for further volumes.

BFBS In the 80s (Part 1)

The link below will take you to Radio Rewind which makes available for your collection a pile of BFBS Show Openers and Trailers I made available years ago. Just follow this link to take you to the page and you can hear the Sounds of BFBS in the 80s and beyond.

BFBS Radio Rewind